Directed, produced, and edited this video for Heritage Auctions to promote the life, legacy and estate of William Goldman — which included typescript copies of screenplays and novels housed in custom clamshells kept on the shelves of his Manhattan home, his copies of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid’s final script, a revised final draft for The Princess Bride and the first draft of his beloved A Bridge Too Far adaptation.

After owning an iconic and highly important Norman Rockwell painting for close to 50 years, the E.M. Connor Post 193 American Legion of Winchendon in Massachusetts decided to consign at Heritage Auctions. Due to declining membership and the need for major improvements to the Post, the time has come to sell "Home for Thanksgiving" -- a gut-wrenching but necessary decision. The Post building is not only a home for Veterans, Sons of the Legion and Auxiliary, it is widely used by the various organizations within the Winchendon community.Directed, produced, and edited for Heritage Auctions.


Agents from the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives host a "Post Blast Training" at the Texas Department of Safety tactical training facility on Monday, Aug. 6, 2018. The demonstration, also hosted with DPS and the Austin Police Department, featured detonations of various explosives to teach local law enforcement officers how to systematically investigate explosion scenes.

Role: Photographer, Producer, Editor

Austin Animal Center employees attribute an influx of stray cats and dogs to holiday fireworks and recent storms

Role: Photographer, Producer, Editor

Kate Bush fans gathered to participate in “The Most Wuthering Heights Day Ever!” on Saturday, July 14, 2018. The event celebrated the 40th anniversary of the “Wuthering Heights” music video debut of English musician Kate Bush, and participants dressed in Bush’ iconic red dress to recreate the video’s choreography.

Role: Photographer, Producer, Editor


Alejandra Rodriguez, 33, founded La Flaca in July 2014 after she realized she no longer wanted to work in the corporate banking sector. Her farm produces specialty herbs and produce from around the world to local chefs and restaurants while also encouraging local residents to learn how to farm.

Role: Producer, photography, and editor.

The rattling sound of spray cans dominates the HOPE Outdoor Gallery, a graffiti park located in Downtown Austin. An acclaimed Austin must-see, the park was founded in 2011 by HOPE, a coalition of creative producers that raises awareness about socially conscious initiatives. The area is private property, and artists must formally register to paint on the premises. On any given weekend, a visitor to the park might find a bachelorette party goers, families with children, and skaters all with a spray can in hand. 

Role: Producer, photography, and editor.

Dennis, a young poet, explores his struggles as an idle youth living in Huruma, a slum in Nairobi, Kenya. With the help of an organization called Slumcode, Dennis works to develop his natural talents and character to become a leader in his community.

Through my participation with Actuality Media, I worked with a team of four to research, photograph, produce, and edit Hustle Smart. This short documentary screened at the Melbourne Fringe Festival in 2014.